Tips for Tackling Clutter Without Overwhelm

With this fresh new year - consider how amazing your home will feel if you start the new year with a clutter-free home. Clutter can be a big problem in many homes, and tackling your household clutter can feel like an overwhelming chore. While clutter can be daunting, making your home more manageable is possible, and you don’t have to take on everything at once. 

Start Small

Rome wasn’t built in a day, and your clutter likely wasn’t either. While many people opt to attempt to purge everything at once, that may lead to burnout or an unmanageable mess. It takes time to build up clutter, so it’s natural that it may take time to tackle the issue. Start with a single drawer, a shelf, or even just one corner of a room. Completing small tasks builds momentum and prevents overwhelm.

Set Clear Goals

Define specific, achievable goals for each decluttering session. Having a clear purpose helps you stay focused and motivated. If “get the closet decluttered” is a large and daunting goal, start smaller and be more specific. A goal such as “donate 5 items of clothing per week this month” or “go through all shoes” can provide the precision necessary to complete your goal. Make it a game with a partner or spouse - see who can get to a certain number of items purged, fastest! This will give you the motivation to continue to new goals and tasks.

Use the “Four-Box” Method

Label four boxes or bins as “Keep,” “Donate,” “Sell,” and “Trash.” As you go through items, place them in the corresponding box. This method streamlines decision-making and ensures that you don’t end up with confusing piles at the end of the day.

Avoid Decluttering By Room and Try Categories Instead

Instead of tackling entire rooms, focus on specific categories (e.g., clothes, books, kitchen items). This helps prevent the spreading of clutter from one room to another; it also makes donating to the right charities easier. For example, clothing can be gifted to a local school or shelter, books to your local library or preschools.

Keep Maintaining Your Decluttering Year-Round

Consider donating items each month to ensure you are staying on top of clutter before it gets overwhelming. Or, try following the “one-in, one-out rule”: for every new item you bring into your home, consider getting rid of one. This ensures you don’t needlessly buy items or accrue too much clutter.

Keeping your home clutter-free requires constant care and maintenance, but once you have tackled the majority of the clutter in your home, you’ll likely be surprised at how much momentum you gain in the decluttering process. These tips can help you get started and get your home looking its best in no time.

Rich Dallas

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